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est. Sept. 2024



this page will be a place where I can talk about the creative projects I have, be they worldbuilding, story telling, art's and crafts, what have you.

-I have a fantasy solarpunk worldbuilding project with a history that spans 2000 years. It's gotten a little out of hand. lol. I want to write stories that are set in a world like one we could and should have, but I wanted it to have a similar history to us to "prove" that we can make a world like that possible. There will be characters during a time when it's a lot like our world who fight to make a better solarpunk future. It's not entirely like our world though, there is a magical element to it. It was originally inspired by Pokemon and The Legend fo Zelda, there will be magical creatures and some humans can use magic too, but only a few. If you've heard of the theories of human evolution within the pokemon world, then you'll have an idea of what the magic system might be like.

-A much smaller project is one I'm just calling Villain's Minion for now. A frankenstein-esque creature who serves her villainous creator grows close to the villain's newly appointed bodyguard. I want this to be a halloween, gothic, horror, romantic comedy, maybe like Addam's Family or The Munsters but without the family element. I want it to be silly, but also speak to themes of freedom, captivity, and abuse. Somewhat inspired by Critical Role, as the ship of Laudna and Ashton Greymoore was what sparked the idea in the first place. I started watching One Piece while first developing the story, so that's accidentally influencing it as well.

-I was once working on a scifi giant robot story, one that was inspired by my frustrations with Voltron: Legendary Defender. But that one has fallen to the wayside. It's probably for the best right now, what I came up with would need some major retooling to appeal to me again, and the worldbuilding for it would also be nuts. Maybe someday.

-I fancy myself an artist, but it's been difficult to get me feet under me and do it consistently enough to share anything :(

-I hope to get into editing stuff for this site, so that I don't have to rely too much on borrowed things.

-While learning how to make this site, I was inspired to make a site or page all about Halloween themed media. An archive of not only explicitly Halloween media, but also adjacent media as wall. Anything spooky, gothy, witchy. Things like the Thriller Bark arc of One Piece, or horror themed episodes of non-horror media (a certain episode of RWBY comes to mind). I think that could be fun. And it would help me keep my inspirations for Villain's Minion in check.

-A page or site about fandom etiquette could be useful. I've always wanted to do something like that.

-I make paper beads. Maybe I can take some pics and post them? It's a good way of recycling all that paper we accumulate. I could even make a tutorial on how to make your own. I hope to have enough to make a beaded curtain.